Romance: Where to Start

So you’re new the Romance genre and want to continue reading, but don’t know where to start. I’ve got you covered! As any Romance reader will tell you, there was one book that was their gateway into the genre and typically, they haven’t looked back since. That’s how it was for me! So, I’ll walk you through my journey and the books that hooked me.

The thing about Romance, as with anything in life, is that it isn’t a monolith. There are so many nooks and crannies of this genre, from sweet like Hallmark to spicy…and I’m not talking about 50 Shades of Grey. So, it’s important to recognize that your limits don’t negate or belittle the genre. Maybe you don’t want to read open door steam (sex on the page) and prefer closed door (no sex on the page) or maybe you like somewhere in the middle (fade to black or language that alludes to the act but isn’t as graphic). Just because it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t make the genre dirty, bad, or unworthy of critical analysis.

But the one thing that makes this genre work for me? Character Authenticity. This is something I take note of in my reviews and maybe you’ve wondered what that meant. To me, Character Authenticity is how natural and real the character’s journey feels on the page. “Authentic” can be such a buzz word, especially on social media. Authentic is an individual thing to people and characters. What is authentic to me won’t always be to someone else, but that’s why it’s something I look for in stories.

The way a love story plays out should feel authentic to each character.

The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang—2019

My first foray into the “legit” Romance genre. And honestly, this was a little too much for me at first. I picked it up due to all the hype around it and the cartoon cover did not prepare me. Now, I did read 50 Shades when it first came out so it wasn’t that I was a prude. I just didn’t vibe with the characters yet. This is one i’d love to reread now and see if I still feel the same!

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren—2019

Alright, this book had me HOOKED from page one. It had fake dating, enemies to lovers, a dash of steam and characters I loved. Plus, it was the perfect summery setting and made me swoon.

Things You Save in a Fire by Katharine Center—2019

This was another hyped up book that had a gorgeous cover. I got it from the library and it had that same pacing as The Unhoneymooners. I flew through it, loved how it made me feel bubbly and swoony while also addressing the reality of being a woman in a male dominated field. I liked how it addressed a “real world issue” and had a hot romance at it’s core.

Well Met by Jen Deluca—2019

I vividly remember reading this book and not being able to put it down. It had Gilmore Girls vibes and the ultimate enemies to lovers tension. I still think about Simon and Emily and how charming the world of this story was.

Blind Dates, Bridesmaids, and Other Disasters by Aspen Hadley—2019

My first foray into indie romance! This is billed a “clean” romance, meaning there is no sex on the page. But at the time, I didn’t think it needed it! The tension was still there and I was utterly obsessed with the characters falling in love. However, this is when I learned that referring to something without sex on the page as “clean” infers that if there is, then it is “dirty” which is the patriarchy’s influence on something women enjoy. That’s why it’s better to refer to it as open door (sex on the page) or closed door (fade to black/just kissing).

November 9 by Colleen Hoover—2019

Ah, the first “romance” I hated. I literally could not stand Ben in this book and the feelings of like…trauma porn. Colleen Hoover’s romance is not the romance i enjoy. But that is an important step to go through! And just because I don’t vibe with CoHo doesn’t mean her books are bad. They’re just not for me and I know that is part of my taste.

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert—2019

Talia Hibbert has such a unique voice. This is how I learned that I can like an author and their writing style, but hate a character. Red, I’m so sorry, you made me cringe so hard. But this book again introduced the value of representation! The main character has a chronic illness and seeing that represented in a love story is so so so important. I’m a Dani Brown gal myself, but I highly recommend Chloe still!

Faking Under the Mistletoe by Ashley Shepherd—2019

This is when I turned a corner and really found myself drawn to Romance more than any other genre. This book is fun, flirty, and perfectly festive. I remember feeling so happy and full while reading it, because again, it felt so real. The book addresses the Me Too era because women can fight for bodily autonomy and enjoy sex at the same time. Shocking!

The Bromance Bookclub by Lyssa Kay Adams—2019

And this is the book that solidified me as a Romance reader. I picked it up at Fabled Bookshop in Waco, Texas on a perfect trip with Nick. It holds such special memories for me. This book had a trope I didn’t read yet, a marriage in crisis, and it was a perfect ride. Frustrating, sweet, emotional, and hot. Team Gavin forever.

The Simple Wild by KA Tucker—2020

And here we are, one of my favorite books of all time. I really think this is the kind of book that can make people a Romance reader because it showcases how sweeping the genre can be. This book is a visceral experience as we travel to Alaska with Calla and she spends time with her estranged father. She also falls in love along the way. The feels this book gives me! But it’s also a bit divisive. I adore Calla and her journey, but I see so many reviews where people criticize her for her behavior. But I love her for her flaws; she is human and that is who I want to read about.

The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa—2020

Ah, the nail in my romance coffin. And I haven’t come out since! Mia Sosa’s book is fast paced, sexy, and oh so fun. It’s an enemies to lovers/second chance romance that made me laugh out loud and cheer when the characters got together.

These are the books that made me a proud Romance Reader. I still recommend most of them to this day! Except November 9…sorry CoHo fans! I’m so glad she makes you happy though.

Don’t be afraid to try something new! I’d love to know about your own journeys into new genres or hobbies!