June Bucket List

I hope you had as much as I did during the #ReadIntoSummer readathon! It was the perfect way to kick off my favorite season (besides the holidays) and I’m looking forward to slowing down for a few months. The summer is notoriously slow for my freelance work but I’m also doing another show (YAY ACTING) so that will be busy. But it’s the best kind of busy. What are you focusing on for the month of June?

  1. Go Golfing

    Our favorite weekend activity! I love that I’ve learned a new skill and it’s something Nick and I can do together. It’s outside, it gets us moving, and we can do it with another couple. I’m not the best at it but I have so much fun and that is what matters!

  2. Write Everyday: #Juneowrimo

    March-O-Wrimo was a FAIL but that’s because I didn’t give myself enough time to prepare. I spent May prepping for this and I’m excited to challenge myself to write every morning for one hour.

  3. Read a Book in One Sitting

    A perfect summer weekend goal. Hoping I find something that is “unputdownable!”

  4. Plan Our Summer Weekends

    Last year, we had a teeny tiny puppy so our weekends were spent close to home. This year, we can do a bit more and include Beasie Bear! I want to plan out the summer more so we don’t waste the time.

  5. Catch Up on My Bullet Journal

    I have fallen out of the habit of my bullet journal and it makes me sad! I plan on catching up this month. It’s something so simple and creative that makes me happy.

  6. Reflect on My First Half of the Year Goals

    Well, we’re halfway through 2022 😅 I want to make sure I stay on track with what I wanted to focus on in 2022, so I need to crack open my journal and face my fears!

  7. Go the Beach

    I didn’t get to the beach at all last Summer and that is unacceptable for this New England gal.

  8. Try a New Restaurant

    I am a creature of habit and need to try some new places in the areas were looking to buy a house!

  9. Dine Al Fresco

    We have our stunning patio and I want to use it more! I read on it and have my coffee but we never eat out there. That will change!

  10. Spend a Weekend at the Pool

    We are lucky enough to have a pool and I used it a ton last year, so I’ll be using it again and again this year! I like to take my laptop over there and work in the sun until I need to cool off. It’s such a luxury and I don’t take it for granted!