Review: The Love Con by Seressia Glass

It’s been awhile since I did an impulse or “cover buy” of a book. My TBR is stacked so I try really hard to only go for what I need when I end up at the bookstore. Which is often. But when I saw the cover of The Love Con, I kept thinking about it so I grabbed it! It’s a romcom set in the world of Cosplay and a reality show competition. While I liked it, I did feel like it was underwritten. There was a lot of talking vs showing and I so badly wanted to have the world fleshed out more!

But it was still fun and if you love the “golden retriever” type love interest that is steamy but not spicy, I think you’ll enjoy this book! It’s perfect for fans of Project Runway.

What I Liked:

  1. The Concept—I love the idea of a reality TV competition show, especially around Cosplay! It reminded me of Project Runway and Face Off, which I used to watch religiously. Plus, I really enjoyed Olivia Dade’s Spoiler Alert so I liked the idea of spending time in cosplay world.

  2. The Tropes—Faking Dating AND Friends to Lovers?! A winning combo. Two of my favorites and not one I’ve read a lot!

  3. Kenya’s Character—I loved Kenya. I loved how focused and driven she was.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. On the Cheesier Side for Me—Overall, the tone was a little on the cheesy side for my taste. I felt like we knew so much about how the characters felt but that the world around them was underdeveloped. I wanted to know more about the characters. There’s a huge part of Cameron’s backstory that we only get pieces of.

  2. Wanted More of the Show/Behind the Scenes/Audience Reaction—I felt like we missed out on so much of the drama of the show! There was a lot of talking about it but not a lot of showing it. I think the book could have used like 50 more pages and still have been great, as long as the details and plot points were explored more.

  3. Cam’s Character—Cam was so sweet, but I like my male MC’s with a little more edge. He was communicative and sweet, but I just didn’t really understand the conflict.


    All the Feels by Olivia Dade

Content Warnings:

Loss of a parent (not on the page), microaggressions, strained parent/child relationships

Character Authenticity: 3/5 Steam Rating: 1/5 Overall Rating: 3/5