Weekly Wrap Up 7-9-21

Happy Friday! I had a bumpy Wednesday but other than that, this short week was a great one! Every week with Beasley has allowed us to get more established in our new daily routine with her. I’ve found that by waking up early and getting in some audiobook time while I clean up the kitchen, fold laundry, and read has really helped ground me in my day.

Being freelance is a blessing and a curse with a new pup. I have the flexibility to work my day around her schedule, but it also has made work/life balance really hard. I try my best to stay on an 8:30-4:30 or 9-5 schedule so that I can still spend time with Nick in the evenings, but sometimes I have to give up and work in the evenings and on weekends. I know it isn’t forever but as a control freak, I’ve learned A LOT about what I need to feel productive and like I’ve accomplished something, even if my whole To Do List doesn’t get crossed off.

Now, here’s what I up to this week!

What I Read:

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Rock the Boat by Beck Dorey-Stein—I loved Beck’s memoir, From the Corner of the Oval, so I was excited to read her first work of fiction. Review coming soon! But if you like literary fiction and want something on the summery side, I think this is a great option!

Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé—Wow, this book was a RIDE. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend the audio!

Currently Reading:

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The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass—Out Tuesday 7/13!

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey—Also out Tuesday 7/13!

Reel by Kennedy Ryan—Available now!

No Buy July Update:

Just going to say, it’s HARD but I survived the first week with no incidents,

Got My Eye On:

So far No Buy July has shown me I need a new pair of denim shorts and I love flowy dresses and crewnecks. Oops. But how cool is that corner bookshelf?! I could always use more storage.

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Big Brother is back! It is one of my favorite TV shows. My best friend Mark introduced me to it in college and I became OBSESSED. An acquaintance from college is on this season (Britini) so I’m excited to watch her succeed. If you watch, let me know!

Grey’s Anatomy—Still working through my rewatch! I think I stopped watching during like…season 8 or 9? I’m on season 7 now. It’s been great to have on in the background while I work.

New Gossip Girl—What are our thoughts? I haven’t started it yet but I’m excited for it!

This + That

Hoop Earrings—Usually not my vibe but I’ve been loving them recently! So fun for summer.

Weekend Plans:

We have a birthday/housewarming/grad school graduation party for my best friend, Mark, on Saturday! He’s had a big year. And on Sunday we get to finally celebrate Nick’s goddaughter’s christening! She was born January 2020 so obviously no celebrations were able to happen once she was old enough!

Have a great weekend, friends!