Weekly Wrap Up 6-25-21


Oh, what a week. I am TIRED but loving every second of puppyhood since we brought our sweet Beasley home. I’ve wanted a puppy my whole life and she is everything I could have ever dreamed of and more! I’m going to do a whole post on how we knew we were ready for this next step, but she has brought so much joy to our home. Working from home by myself all day, in a new city where I didn’t really want to live, took a huge toll on me in the last year. Beasley is the best thing that’s happened!


But with all the craziness of getting B settled and getting used to our routine, I didn’t read that much. She’s so good and after a couple days we were able to settle into a morning routine which allowed me to read (she likes to snuggle up next to my feet!) but other parts of the day I just want to play with her!


What I Read:


Blush by Jamie Brenner—A book about wine and family drama? Sign me up. Can’t wait to pass this along to my mama when I go home for the 4th next week!

Currently Reading:

The Risk by Elle Kennedy—Hoping to finish this one up this weekend! I started it last weekend and didn’t read at all when we brought B home lol

Purchases of the Week:

Purchases of the Week.png

These koozies from Line & Cleat came in! I loved the nautical print and they’ll be fun for summer BBQ’s.

Stripes // Burgee // Camera

We also ordered a camera system so we can keep an eye on B when we’re not home. I never thought I’d be one of those annoying dog parents but…here we are and I am owning it.

Got My Eye One:

I’m gearing up for No Buy July so I’ll probably be scrolling less and didn’t have too much time this week!

Currently Watching:

Still Grey’s Anatomy and Friends! I want to catch up on some YouTube this weekend but we’ll see if I have the time. We’ve been having beautiful weather lately!

Recipe of the Week:

We kept it simple this week with my Dill Pasta Salad and Mediterranean Grain Bowl

Weekend Plans:

Reading, SLEEPING, and introducing Beasley to some more of our family and friends! We’re lucky to have friends with fenced in yards so she can really run around and play. It’s going to be HOT this weekend so hopefully getting some pool time in as well!

Have a great weekend, my friends! Thank you for being here. You mean the world to me.