Weekly Wrap Up 6-4-21

I don’t know if it was the long weekend or the pressure of a new month or just general anxiety, but this was a tough week for me. I’m working through a lot of the changes we’ve gone through in the last year that I was able to repress because we were still in lockdown. Now that we are vaccinated and life is returning to normal, more and more feelings are bubbling up that I haven’t processed fully.


That’s okay. I know I’m going to be okay. But I did have to put my mental health first this week, which is something we should all be doing more anyway, and shed a number of tears. I never share these things for sympathy. Honestly, I’ve found that messages of support don’t fill me up the same way they used to because they just add to the bandaid effect. I’ve just put bandaids on my feelings and struggles throughout the last 15 months and haven’t fully allowed myself to grieve.

I share because I think it’s important to normalize talking about our struggles. We can still be having fun, loving the friends and people in our lives, reading books and planning for the future, while still struggling every day to accept our current situation.

My life has changed dramatically in the past year. Not just where I live or what I do for work, but what my future is going to look like. I miss a lot of things about my old life and yet still appreciate the new things. Both things can be true and that’s okay.

We’re going to be okay.

What I Read:

It was a successful weekend for the #ReadIntoSummer Readathon and I finished 3/4 books on my TBR!

The Score by Elle Kennedy—Definitely my favorite in the series!

Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley

That Summer by Jennifer Weiner

The Goal by Elle Kennedy—I loved Tucker! Not my favorite book in the series but still a fun read!

Currently Reading:

Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters

A Fate of Wrath and Flame by KA Tucker

Purchases of the Week:

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We’re finally finishing our home after 9 months of living here! Since we can have guests again, we’re finishing off the guest room (aka adding sleeping arrangements to my office) and guest bath!

Shower Curtain // Bath Towel // Briar U Hockey Mug // Gold Watering Can

Got My Eye On:

Currently looking for a new planner! Would love your recommendations!

Supergoop SPF in 20% off this weekend! I have the Unseen Sunscreen and love it and got the GlowScreen to try. Use code SUMMER20

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Light Blue Skort //Navy Blue Skort // Navy Dress // Navy Golf Shirt // Light Blue Golf Shirt //Unseen Sunscreen // GlowScreen //

Recipe of the Week:

I didn’t book anything new at all because it was a rough week! Kept it easy thanks to Trader Joe’s.

Currently Watching:

I have a confession: I have never seen Friends. I’ve seen pieces of episodes and know all the major plot points and characters, but have never seen the whole show the whole way through. Nick and I are watching it together and after a few episodes, I now know why all the Gen Z TikTokers are so into 90’s fashion.

Weekend Plans:

This weekend would have been our first wedding anniversary if the pandemic hadn’t forced us to change our plans. We’re still going to celebrate it because honestly, how have we not endured more than most people endure in the first year of marriage?

We’re also helping friends build their deck (Nick is, I will day drinking and watching) and going golfing!

Have a great weekend!