Review: Only When It's Us by Chloe Liese

Continuing my deep dive into indie romance, I finally started The Bergman’s books! I read Only When It’s Us which follows Ryder Bergman and WIlla Sutter in this college sports centered, new adult romance. I will say this is a s l o w b u r n romance, so if that’s your thing, you’ll enjoy it!

I loved these characters and how the author didn’t shy away from the difficult parts of life. We see them deal with grief in very different ways and how to find the way forward together.


Synopsis: “Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster brimming with laughter, tears, and slow-burn sexiness in this new adult romance that tackles the vulnerability of love with humor and heart.


Ever since she sat next to me in class and gave me death eyes, Willa Sutter’s been on my shit list. Why she hates me, I don't know. What I do know is that Willa is the kind of chaos I don’t need in my tidy life. She’s the next generation of women’s soccer. Wild hair, wilder eyes. Bee-stung lips that should be illegal. And a temper that makes the devil seem friendly.

She’s a thorn in my side, a menacing, cantankerous, pain-in-the-ass who’s turned our Business Mathematics course into a goddamn gladiator arena. I'll leave this war zone unscathed, coming out on top…And if I have my way with that crazy-haired, ball-busting hellion, that will be in more than one sense of the word. 


Rather than give me the lecture notes I missed like every other instructor I’ve had, my asshole professor tells me to get them from the silent, surly flannel-wearing mountain man sitting next to me in class. Well, I tried. And what did I get from Ryder Bergman? Ignored. What a complete lumbersexual neanderthal. Mangy beard and mangier hair. Frayed ball cap that hides his eyes. And a stubborn refusal to acknowledge my existence.

I’ve battled men before, but with Ryder, it's war. I’ll get those notes and crack that Sasquatch nut if it’s the last thing I do, then I’ll have him at my mercy. Victory will have never tasted so sweet.” —From the author

What I Liked:

  1. The Characters—It’s no secret that I love a grumpy, bearded love interest. Ryder was so warm and loveable with just the right amount grumpy, it was so easy to fall in love with him. I loved Willa’s drive and passion. She’s so open about her ambitions which always makes this career focused girl happy to see!

  2. The Family Dynamic—Coming from a big family, anytime a story can capture that love and chaos I am immediately enthralled. I am excited to read the rest of the books following the Bergmans!

  3. The Commentary on Grief—Willa and Ryder are dealing with two completely different losses yet they are still able to rely on each other to process and move forward in their new normal.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. The Pacing—I love a good slow burn romance, but when the characters are avoiding having conversations and that’s a huge part of what’s keeping them apart, my focus tends to drift a little. I think some things could have been resolved a little quicker but that’s a personal preference!

  2. Being “Told” Rather than “Shown”—There are a lot of big moments that happen off the page that we’re told about but don’t get to see. I think it can work sometimes, but when it happens multiple times throughout, it’s another aspect that leaves me wanting more.

TW/CW: cancer, loss of a parent, grief

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Steam Rating: 2.5/5 Overall Rating: 3.75