#ReadIntoSummer Readathon Details

Last year over Memorial Day Weekend, I read four books in four days. it felt SO GOOD and was such a good way to kick off my summer reading. This year is so different from last year (yay vaccines!) but I still want to host a little extra readathon for the long weekend.

Welcome #ReadIntoSummer! This is a casual readathon and you can jump in whenever you have time! I’m hosting a couple reading sprints over on Instagram as well as Instagram lives with friends.

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Now you may be asking…what’s a Readathon? It’s whatever you want it to be, honestly, but I think it’s a great way to hold myself accountable to put my phone down and get lost in a book. My phone provides me with a lot of joy but also a lot of anxiety.

WIth things opening back up and seeing more and more things added to our social calendar, my "reentry anxiety” is at an all time high. It’s been harder to stop doom scrolling and read. My goal for #ReadIntoSummer is to prioritize my reading again. I want to finish at least 3 books and read at least one in a single sitting!

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So the basic premise is that starting at 12pm EST on Friday May 28, will begin, so from that moment start keeping track of the pages and hours you read. It’s totally okay if you can’t start right at noon! Just in whenever you can.

I’ll be doing some lives with friends and also hosting some flash giveaways and other interactive prompts via Instagram! I can’t wait!

Leave any questions you have below and I’ll answer them in another post!