Weekly Wrap Up 5-21-21

What a week. We had a great, quiet weekend (our first at home as a married couple!) so I hit the ground running on Monday morning and got a ton done. But by the middle of the week, I was feeling the exhaustion of doing too much too fast. On the plus side, we had STUNNING weather this week. Our pool was filled and I am very excited for leisurely pool days soon!


This weekend, I’m looking forward to some quiet time. Anyone else need quiet time to yourself? With things opening back up, my very social husband has been packing our social calendar. It’s been an interesting conversation for us to have because I am introvert and he’s an extrovert. I thrived in quarantine and he did not lol.

I’m also learning to golf this weekend! I’m excited to learn a new summer sport and enjoy the gorgeous weather!

What I Read:

Only When It’s Us by Chloe Liese—I’ll be sharing my full review next week but you can see what I have on Goodreads for now!

It Had to Be You by Georgia Clark—A Love Actually-esque rom-com-dram set in New York CIty.

The Guncle by Steven Rowley—One of my most anticipated reads of the year that is a true DELIGHT. I laughed out loud and loved it so much.

Currently Reading:


Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant—This YA book is a dream and I am LOVING IT. I am listening via audio on Scribd and I might need to get a physical copy.

Purchases of the Week:

Got My Eye On (9).png
Got My Eye On (8).png

Blue Bathing Suit // Gingham Dress // Seersucker Headband // Dudley Stephens Greenpoint // The Soulmate Equation //

What I’m Watching:

Arrested Development—We finished New Girl (and I still haven’t recovered!) so started another ensemble comedy that neither of us has seen!

Grey’s Anatomy—I don’t know what possessed me to rewatch this show from the beginning but I am and I forgot how dang good the first couple seasons are. McDreamy, big sigh.

Recipe of the Week:

I shared my Caprese Pasta recipe this week!

Weekend Plans:

A cookout with friends, golf, planting our garden, and of course some reading!

I know this week was heavy so I hope you are able to find some time this weekend for self care and joy.