What's On My Reading Wishlist

If you were to ask Nick, he’d tell you that I have way too many books. And he’d be right. I never used to buy books and not read them right away but as Read & Wright has grown, it’s become a peril of the job. Plus, I am very lucky to receive so many books from publishers. But at the end of the day, I am only one person and can only read so much in a given month.

For April, I put myself a little Book Buying Ban. When I need a break, I love to peruse the bookstore and more often than not, walk away with a book I didn’t intend to walk out with. It’s a privilege to be able to do that and I love supporting authors, but so many of those stories are going unread by me.

So i’m keeping track of what I * really * want and if I still want it when June rolls around, I’ll get it for myself!


Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters—I’m pretty sure I will break my book buying ban for this book. It’s tempting me so much!


You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle—I had a gift card from a friend and got Twice Shy by the same author. My friend Sarah loved You Deserve Each Other so I want to give it a try!


Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley—Also one that is tempting me to break my book buying ban early! I’ve heard nothing but good things and the cover is * chef’s kiss *


Shatter Me by Tareheh Mafi—Not a new release, but another Ashley recommendation!


The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren—CLo can be hit or miss for me (let us not forget In a Holidaze) BUT my very trusted friend Amber has been enjoying it so I think I will too! Apparently it feels much more like their old work!


Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson—I read my first Matson last summer and just loved it! It comes out May 4!


Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado—This book sounds perfect and I love seeing more realistic body representation in books!

So that’s what’s on my wishlist for now! What’s on your wishlist?