Review: Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhhaneau

Looking for the perfect summer YA romance that will make you truly feel like you’re in Paris? Look no further than Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau! I had such a lovely experience reading this book and it was one of the first reads of the year that had me craving Summer.

I mentioned in a Weekly Wrap Up that I also found this book to be really nostalgic for me. My mom is a ballerina so I grew up dancing and it’s how I got into performing in the first place. I read a series that took place at the Royal Ballet School and this had all those vibes. It brought me right back!


Synopsis: “Mia Jenrow has always known she's destined to be a professional ballerina. In fact, it's in her blood--according to family legend, her too-many-greats-to-count-grandmother once danced for the Paris Opera and was painted by Degas himself Her parents say it's just a fantasy, but to Mia it's so much more than that. It's her fate.

Mia is planning to spend a magical summer in France pursuing her dream, but as she pirou-ettes into Paris, she soon realizes it may be a bit more complicated than she hoped. For starters, there's her rival, Audrey, who will stop at nothing to show her up. There's her ballet instructor, whose impossibly high standards push her to the breaking point. And then . . . there's Louis. Devastatingly, distractingly charming Louis. He's eager to show Mia his city--and Mia is more than happy to hop on his Vespa and wrap her arms around him as they pass the gleaming lights of the Eiffel Tower.

Mia's summer was supposed to be about ballet--but there's a reason Paris is called the City of Love. . . “ —From the publisher

What I Liked:

  1. The Atmosphere—This book FELT like Paris. The atmosphere of the city was so perfectly captured that even as and adult, I was enraptured with the story.

  2. The Romance—I typically hate the Insta-Love trope, but because this YA was so well done, I didn’t mind it at all. It felt very natural and believable. It made me feel 16 again and how it was possible to fall head over heels from some magical moments.

  3. The Friendship—For a story about ballet dancers, I was waiting for some catty moments that bummed me out. But I was pleasantly surprised that the relationships between the girls were supportive! We need MORE of that!!!

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Things moved a little too quickly to be believable for my taste, but didn’t ruin my experience reading the book at all! I think it’s because I’m an adult reading YA and therefore not the target audience!

TW/CW: Car accident

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Steam Rating: 0/5 Overall Rating: 4/5

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