Weekly Wrap Up 10/22/21

September seemed to drag and October is simply FLYING. I do feel really good work wise and I’m excited to get into the holiday spirit—Yes, the Holiday Reading Guide is coming SOON—but I’m not quite ready for freezing temps. We dipped into the 50’s this week and walks with B were chillyyyy. Don’t tell Snow Lady, but she’s not ready yet.

I’m usually pretty open about my anxiety and I did have a bad anxiety day this week. However, something that really helped me was taking a look at my to do and eliminating the tasks that did not need to be done that day. Once I reevaluated the days priorities and made a plan, I felt so much better and was able to tackle work head on. It’s the little things that seem so simple but once you talk them out, either in a journal or with a friend (Thanks, Rach!), you remember you have so much more control than you think.

I hope that helps someone out there the next time you’re having an anxiety attack or anxious day. Now, here’s what I was up to this week.

What I Read:

The Fastest Way to Fall // Window Shopping // All I Want For Christmas is the Girl Next Door // Duke Actually // State of Terror

Currently Reading:

Heard it in a Love Song // Anarchy

Purchases of the Week:

I didn’t buy ANYTHING this week. I know, I know. I’ll hold for applause,

Listening & Watching:

The Sh*t No One Tell You About Writing Podcast—This is such a great resource for writers!

First Draft Podcast—I just started this podcast after stumbling across the Instagram and I’m excited to listen to more! I don’t listen to a ton of podcasts (says the podcast host LOL) but writing ones really motivate me and remind me when I’m working on my projects.

Articles & Videos:

Autumn Lake ASMR—This is such a great ambience video to have on while reading or working! It looks just like the cabin where we stayed the weekend we got engaged.

Morgan’s 2020 Vlogmas—This is the third time I’ve mentioned Morgan’s videos in the last week, but I was having a tough day this week and decided to rewatch her Vlogmas playlist from 2020 and it was just so good for my soul. Morgan’s videos are cozy and inspiring and always make me feel good.

Weekend Plans:

Tis the weekend for all the Fall activities! Our football team has a bye week, so we’re getting some photos taken, doing a corn maze with friends, and have podcast recordings to do. All in all, a nice balance of rest, fun, and creative work. I hope you have a great weekend!