Self Care You Can Do For Free at Home

It’s safe to say that even though we are barely two weeks into 2021, the year has always been a doozy. Mental health is physical health. Self care can range from facemasks and bubble baths to puzzles and coloring. It’s a very individual process!

I’ve been feeling exhaustion coming on as a response to the world, because the problems feel so fast and hopeless, but they’re not.

Below are some free ways you can recharge yourself so that you can take actionable steps in your community to make real strides in bridging the gap of inequality.

14 Free Self Care Acts You Can do at Home.png

Midday Shower—My FAVORITE form of selfcare. I actually got a lot of questions about this (lol, no one is more surprised than me, you’d think a shower is pretty straightforward…) so I figured I’d share a little why I love it.

I usually plan my day around it because I know it will be a “treat” on a long day. Wednesdays are my longest day, I am on zoom 10-5 but I have a break at 1pm. Even though I am waiting to shower in the middle of the day, I still get dressed and brush my teeth, get myself together. That was a big concern lol.

I don’t always wash my hair, but if I have to, I will. I usually listen to a podcast or audiobook but if I’m really overwhelmed, I just enjoy silence. Truly, it helps reset the day and get you through the remainder of work! Try it out and let me know!

Baths—I came to truly love baths after college when I was living back with my parents for a couple months. It’s the perfect way to warm up on chilly winter evenings. In our old apartment, we didn’t have a bath so Nick got me an inflatable bath. Yes, like an air mattress but a BATH. It was a lot of work but if I really needed it, it was

Turn off your phone—Probably the hardest thing for any of us to do. Sometimes I can’t turn it off completely but I try to leave it in another room. I’ve also been thinking about leaving it to charge overnight outside of our bedroom.

Journal/Bullet Journal—I love to write and journal regularly but this year I’ve fallen in love with Bullet Journaling to keep track of my books! There are great videos on YouTube and some amazing Instagram accounts as well. My favorite is my friend Allyson since she focuses on book bullet journaling!

Podcast/Audiobook Walk—It’s been so cold so I’ve been struggling with this one, but sometimes you just need fresh air. I’m listening to A Promised Land right now and it makes me want to keep cleaning or doing whatever chores I’m doing so I think it would be perfect for an audiobook walk.

Reread a favorite book—I am a huge re-reader and when I’m feeling particularly anxious, rereading a favorite always brings comfort. It’s also fun to reread a book via audio that you read in physical form!

Scroll Pinterest for FUN—Anyone else miss scrolling pinterest and making digital mood boards? Ashley got me back into this and it’s such a great escape.

Color/Paint—My bullet journal fills this void for me! I’m not too artistic but I LOVE to use adult coloring books when I need a little inspiration. Put on music or a favorite movie and just let the creativity out.

Knitting/Needlepoint/Cross stitch—Such a great “mindless” activity that keeps your hands busy so you can’t pick up your phone!

Facetime a friend—My favorite people are always on standby for a call! Elsa will just Facetime without prompting and it always makes me smile. It’s such a nice break in the day.

Bake or cook your favorite treat/meal—I have been loving making soup lately! Not only is it comforting when you have the final product, but it’s very methodical and you can’t mess it up!

Make a vision board/collage—Another thing I do in my bullet journal!

YouTube Exercise Class—Yoga, cardio, stretching, whatever you need and it’s FREE!

Guided Meditation—Another free thing that you can find on YouTube! I love doing these.

Hydrate—Drink your water. Seriously, it can make a HUGE difference. I’ve recently become a huge fan of Liquid IV thanks to my friend Kelsey and it is a great think to look forward to in the afternoon or when I’m dragging. Kelsey says to think of it as the “Bridge back to water” so it doesn’t replace H2O, but it helps makes the water you make more effective.

What are your favorite forms of self care? I’d love to hear your ideas for simple things that bring your calm and joy!