Writing Update #1

I think most readers dream of being writers. I would always say that I am a reader first, but I’ve had stories filling my head for just as long. Call an overactive imagination or a passion for story telling, I have always been drawn to dynamic characters and their situations in life. Most of those characters and stories live in my head. 

Until now. 

I began writing my first book in November 2019. It was an idea I had floating around and put to paper one day, conveniently with the structure of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. But life and a pandemic happened, and after the first of the year, I lost serious steam. 

In May 2020, I recommitted to writing my first novel. Not a short story, not a play, not something I begin and never finish. I have enough of those. I have clear idea and a reason to tell this story. 

The first question I always get when I say I’m writing a novel: when can I read it? 

Well…you can’t. Yet. The publishing industry is pretty antiquated and a long process. I hope that my book gets published one day but at this point in time, I do not have a book deal. 

Sorry to get your hopes up. 

I wanted to document my writing process for myself for a couple reasons. Mostly accountability but also to share my process. The good days, the bad days, the blah days. Writing is HARD WORK and we don’t often get to see it up close. 

I’ll be sharing my inspiration, mood board, playlists, and the daunting process to publication. If you have any questions, I’d love to answer them if I can. And if you are a writer, I’d love nothing more than to connect!