My Pandemic Night Routine

Lol, that’s a title isn’t it?! I feel like such a cliche millennial internet human writing that out but a lot of you have reached out for tips on balancing the work and home life! We live in a 400 square foot apartment so we are tight on space to begin with. We don’t have an upstairs to escape to or separate the day so I’ve definitely had to become creative. 

When we first went on lockdown, I was *not okay*, between the fear and anxiety of a pandemic and them having to deal with the future of our wedding. So I really laid into listening to what my body needed. Turned out it was a lot of chocolate, Mac n cheese, and sleeping in. After a week and a half of that, I moved into acceptance and realized what made me feel like me: a schedule. I tried to keep the 9-5, but I was always losing steam around 3pm. So, I decided to use that! 

I wake up at 6am and get right to work! I have my coffee while answering emails and DM’s. And then I generally work 7-10, take a break to shower and get read til 10:45, and then make a plan for the afternoon on what I want to accomplish so I can wrap up work between 2-3. 

Then I always take a reading break, nap, or walk. Whatever I’m feeling I need to get me through the rest of the day. 

Once I’ve done one of the three, I finish up any last minute emails since that’s not too taxing on me. And I TURN OFF my computer and work email at 5pm and won’t touch it until the next morning. 

I have LOVED cooking. I normally have to meal prep and eat the same things each week. With actually being home and not having to rush anywhere in the evenings, it has been a complete joy to pour a glass of wine, pop in my audiobook, and make dinner! 

Nick and I always eat together and review our days, just like we’d do if we hadn’t seen each other! It’s kind of crazy, with how busy we are working from home, that we still need to catch up! We watched Schitt’s Creek (and LOVED it) and started The Witcher last week. Totally different, but I think it will soothe my ACOTAR addiction. 

We’ll watch TV for an hour or so, depending how much it grabs me, and then I’ll read for the rest of night! I have been really bad about going to bed late, but by pushing my wake up time so much earlier, I can’t help but fall asleep by 11pm. And that’s pushing it! But I also get caught up in my DM’s and chatting at night that the giggles can get me! 

What has helped you adjust to the New Normal? What do you think you’ll miss when we all have to leave our homes again?