Monday Chat

I had another post planned for today, but then I felt like chatting a bit. Monday’s are always a day to get it together, but they’re also when I feel like we all need to catch up over the weekend. My weekend was seemingly long, but I also blinked and it was over.

We went to Party Party to order and work on the menu cards and ceremony programs for our wedding. I also ordered some new stationery for thank you notes because my first bridal shower is this weekend! I’m already so overwhelmed by the love and generosity. This season of life, though stressful, is really special!

Then my mom and I went to see Emma and it was delightful! I will admit, I’m not an Austen purist and I haven’t even read Emma, so I went in blind and was thoroughly pleased. It’s very musical and quirky and just plain fun. I will say, it was extra enjoyable with a glass of wine! We ended the night with dinner at one of our favorite spots, The Little Goose and then headed home.

Sunday we were on the hunt for wedding shoes! I didn’t find any but I did find the PERFECT Meghan Markle navy pump dupes and I LOVE them. I can’t wait to wear them for Diana the Musical with Elizabeth Holmes! We popped into Vineyard Vines and Lilly to look for some white dresses for the rest of my wedding events. I had a little luck but didn’t purchase anything yet! And we visited the best store on Earth, Terrain, for some garden therapy. It was much needed!

Ashley and I had a recording for Read it Or List it and I ended the weekend reaching The Girl He Used To Know (which I’m loving) and watched the third episode of the Hillary Clinton documentary. It’s on Hulu and i’m enthralled with it!

Now it’s Monday, the sun is shining, and this post is going up late. But hey, that’s life! Hope you all have a great week!