A Wild at Heart Induced Book Hangover

It’s Wild at Heart Day! I mean, Tuesday and new releases. But most importantly…WILD AT HEART!!! The sequel to The Simple Wild by KA Tucker is released today and I’m so excited to chat more with everyone who loves it. We’ll be dishing it up on the podcast this week but until then, get yourself a copy! 

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know how much I ADORE The Simple Wild and now I can add Wild at Heart to my list of books that will stay with me forever. I’m probably going to reread both of them at some point this year. 

Here’s the thing: I love this little job of mine. Reading and reviewing books, sharing my thoughts with all of you, and having relationships with publishers is a dream come true. But this is the first time in my life where I feel overwhelmed by the amount of books on my shelves that I’m starting to feel, “Oh no what do I read now?” Because I have too many choices. What a first world problem to have. 

I used to reread books constantly. I have an active imagination and I LOVE to escape back into the worlds that I feel in love with so deeply. So in 2020, I’m giving myself that grace. I’m requesting less books for the time being and being very selective with what I accept as well. Reading for joy is a phrase I throw around a lot, but it should be a joy! It’s a slippery slope when you combine your hobbies with your job. 

All this to say, I loved Wild at Heart. I loved The Simple Wild. And by golly, Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean strike again. I adore them and they definitely added to my inability to move on this weekend! 

Here’s to a fresh week, a new book, and finding more characters to fall in love with. 

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