Why I Love Using Ambience Rooms While I Read

Back in February, I shared a post about why I loved using these “ambience rooms” on YouTube while I read. It is probably one of my most shared posts and I get tagged in a post at least twice a day about how others are discovering (and loving) them!

My FavoritE Reading Rooms (1).png

These videos are technically labeled ASMR Rooms, though they aren’t tradition ASMR. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and usually manifests in a gentle tingly sensation that runs down the scalp. For most people, it is incredibly soothing and relaxing. Traditional ASMR videos usually feature people whispering or opening items close to a microphone that illicit this response.

When it comes to reading ambience rooms, the soothing feeling is there but they’re more about setting the mood. And honestly, they really help me focus! I play them while reading to relax and help focus me but during the Pandemic and work from home, I’ve taken to playing them as I work. There’s something different about them than just normal music.

The best part about ASMR rooms is that you can basically find whatever type of setting you like. From room set in a certain magical school for witches and wizards, to lakeside fires, to snowy cabins in the mountains, I swear there is something for EVERYONE.

I use my Apple TV to project YouTube onto my television and voila, a magical reading room. I also like to use them on my iPad in the bath! Make sure you have a bath caddy or a wide surface to rest it on so no electronics take a dip.

I have a couple playlists on my YouTube Channel but I’ve been focusing on building up my Holiday Season playlist because if you haven’t gathered, I am basically an elf.

I keep them updated as I find new ones that I love!

I hope this is helpful; I always love seeing your posts using them, so please tag me or send me a message!


Read & Wright’s Favorite ASMR Rooms

Autumn ASMR Rooms

Holiday Season ASMR Rooms