Review: Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson

September was a bit of a lack luster reading month for me, until the very last two days. Grown had been on my radar since I saw my friend Toya post about it back in August. I went to pick up a copy on its publication date but my store was sold out, which was another sign that I desperately needed it. 

I now need to read all of Tiffany D. Jackson’s backlist titles. I seriously loved her writing, how raw and honest the characters were, and that this story can be really validating for those who are survivors of abusive relationships. 

That being said, please read with caution. I will have the content warnings listed below as I always do! 

Synopsis: “When legendary R&B artist Korey Fields spots Enchanted Jones at an audition, her dreams of being a famous singer take flight. Until Enchanted wakes up with blood on her hands and zero memory of the previous night. Who killed Korey Fields?

Before there was a dead body, Enchanted's dreams had turned into a nightmare. Because behind Korey's charm and star power was a controlling dark side. Now he's dead, the police are at the door, and all signs point to Enchanted.” —from the publisher

What I Liked: 

  1. Enchanted—What a fantastic protagonist. I loved being inside Enchanted’s head, throughout the highs and lows of the book. Though what she experienced was dark, I felt like we were able to see what she experienced so vividly and learn from it. 

  2. The Pacing—This book MOVES! It it unputdownable. 

  3. The Research—I’ve been following Tiffany Jackson publication journey with Grown and I have to recommend the IG Live she did with Nic Stone. This is an incredibly intimate story for Jackson, but she made it universal. It’s a discussion on girlhood, particularly Black girlhood, and how it is often stolen and manipulated by men who know better. 

TW/CW: physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse, grooming, addiction, suicidal threats, mention of suicide, violence, kidnapping, stalking, murder. 

Overall Thoughts: Read this book when you are in the right frame of mind. But read it. 

Character Authenticity: 5/5. Steam Rating: n/a Overall Rating: 5/5