My 2020 Word of the Year

We are halfway through the month and I’ve read 7 books. That’s kinda crazy, but I love it! It’s amazing what not putting pressure on myself has done for my reading life. I still have a hard time DNF-ing (do not finish) books, but I’m picking books that speak to me at the moment and having a great time discussing them. 

My 2020 word of the year is Focus. I’m using it to motivate me to think of my goals on a small scale, day by day. Big goals are easy to overthink and push aside because they are too hard. By utilizing my daily to do lists, I have found I am much more motivated to stay on track. 

My focuses include: daily 30 minute exercise, meal prepping, and daily organization. 

Give yourself some grace. Think about what you want. Cheer yourself on. Build yourself up so you can build up those around you. 

And don’t be afraid to take a break when you need it! 

Do you have a word of the year to focus on—was that terrible of me?