May Wrap Up

How has May come and gone already?! Seriously, this month flew by and i think it was one of my busiest month’s yet! But I have to say…it was a great month. We found our new apartment and are moving at the end of June, I smashed the goals I set for myself, and I’m ready to make a huge commitment to my health. 

Here’s what I read this month: 

Thirty-Life Crisisreview

Queen Meryl—review coming closer to pub date

The Honeymoon—review coming next week! 

American Royals—review coming closer to pub date 

The BrideTestreview 

A Marriage of Equalsreview

The Power of Habitreview

Laura Lamont’s Life in Picturesreview

Hot Mess—review coming soon! 

Beartown—review coming soon! But this was my favorite of the month and just made it! 

Another ten books! I had wanted to to read twelve, but for being so busy, I will take ten awesome books. I cannot believe it took me this long to read Beartown. I already requested Us Against You, the sequel, from the library! 

Zero Waste May Update: I did it! I didn’t use a single plastic straw or coffee cup the entire month. It was great for my budget and the environment. I do miss my espresso from Starbucks, but now I think I’ve created a little more balance. We are moving, so I'm still going to try and be as frugal as possible, so I think I'm going to continue to challenge myself in June and see where we go! 

In June, I am going to challenge myself further with personal goals. I am making a commitment to my health. This morning, I’m going to swim some laps before work. And then next week, I’m going to try a free week of Core Power Yoga. I’m nervous for that, but I think it’ll be worth it. Can’t stay comfortable if you want big change! What other workouts should I try?

May was a great month and I’m so excited for all that’s happening this summer! There is still time to join me for #GOTSummerRead starting TOMORROW! And tomorrow is BOOKCON! I’ll be there as an Ambassador for BookSparks so make sure you say hi if you see me around! 

Thank you to Penguin Random House, Grand Central Publishing, Hachette Books, and Bookouture for the review copies!