5 Ways to Read More

A lot of my non-reader friends have always commented on how fast I go through books. In truth, I don’t think I read quickly as much as I read mindfully. Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? I think I practice intuitive reading. 

I mean that in the sense that I prioritize books and stories that I’m really interested in. I rarely read anything just to read it but I do always finish my books. Even if they’re not “for me” I can’t leave anything unfinished. 

There is a lot of content in the world today. Between social media, cable television, and streaming networks like Netflix and Hulu, we are oversaturated with things to watch and fill our time. I’ve found for me that if I’m struggling with a certain book, I have to prioritize reading it. Here are a few tips that work for me. 

How to Read More

  1. Set a page goal: I try to read 100 pages a day. I tend to read books that are between 400 and 600 pages, so that usually means I can get through 1-2 books per week

  1. Read every day: I read every day. Whether it is on the subway or just at home, I open my books at least once a day. 

  1. Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb: My phone automatically go to Do Not Disturb at 10:30. If I’m in a show, I’m definitely not home by then. But if I am home, I try to turn off my TV around that time and read before bed. 

  1. Try Audiobooks: I have learned time and time again that I really only enjoy Memoirs on audiobook. If you’re not a reader, I truly think audiobooks could be a great solution! It’s so convenient to pop one on while cleaning or walking around. 

  1. Read what you like: If that’s romance, YA, comic books, biographies, whatever! Read what YOU enjoy. There can such an elitist side to reading and book culture and that’s just silly to me. Reading is reading, so choose what makes you happy! 

I hope these help! Have a great day! 

Phoebe Wright