Boxing Day: Non Fiction Favorite of 2019

Alright anglophiles, it’s Boxing Day! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are ready to settle into the magical days between Christmas and New Years when no one knows what day it is. I love Boxing Day. It is the laziest, coziest, best day of the year. Last year, my mom and I totally binged the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 2 and we are going to finish season 3 today! We love that show, so I created a schedule for us to savor it throughout Christmas break. 

I want to share my Non-Fiction favs of the year today! 

I love memoirs. I have accepted that I am simply a nosy person and want ALL THE DETAILS of someone’s life. Even when they’re not written the best, I still love a good celebrity memoir. But this year, I realized I read more than celebrity books. 

Here are my favorites from 2019:

Know My Name by Chanel Miller

Wild Game by Adrienne Broduer 

From the Corner of the Oval by Beck Dorey-Stein

Queen Meryl by Erin Carlson

Parkland by Dave Cullen

Becoming by Michelle Obama

What were your Non-Fiction favorites?