Reviews: We Met in December & A Marvelous Life

Thank you to the publishers for the advanced copies of these books! Though I receive these books free of charge, it does not impact my honest review.

We Met in December—Out November 5, 2019

Synopsis: Following a year in the life of a twenty-something British woman who falls hard for her London flat mate, this clever, fun, and unforgettable romantic comedy is the perfect feel-good holiday read.

Two people. One house. A year that changes everything. 

Twenty-nine-year-old Jess is following her dream and moving to London. It’s December, and she’s taking a room in a crumbling, but grand, Notting Hill house-share with four virtual strangers. On her first night, Jess meets Alex, the guy sharing her floor, at a Christmas dinner hosted by her landlord. They don’t kiss, but as far as Jess is concerned the connection is clear. She starts planning how they will knock down the wall between them to spend more time together.

But when Jess returns from a two-week Christmas holiday, she finds Alex has started dating someone else—beautiful Emma, who lives on the floor above them. Now Jess faces a year of bumping into (hell, sharing a bathroom with) the man of her dreams…and the woman of his.

My Thoughts: If you enjoyed One Day in December, I think you will enjoy this one! I actually liked in better. It felt slightly more relatable and less “hit or miss” romance. It’s light and funny, with lots of moments that readers can find a piece of themselves in. It similarly takes place in London and is about the lives of two people throughout a single year as they figure out their romantic lives. 

Star Rating: I’m going to give this one a 3.5/5 Stars because it wasn’t one that I was compelled to pick up, but when I was reading it I was totally in the world. 

A Marvelous Life: Out November 5, 2019

Synopsis: Danny Fingeroth (comics industry veteran, author, and longtime Stan Lee friend and colleague) writes a comprehensive biography of this powerhouse of ideas who changed the world’s understanding of what a hero is and how a story should be told, while exploring Lee's unique path to becoming the face of comics.

With behind-the-scenes stories and sourced with exclusive, new interviews with Lee himself and other legendary comics and media figures, A Marvelous Life has insights and revelations that only an insider like Fingeroth can offer.

Fingeroth, himself a longtime writer and editor at Marvel Comics and now a lauded pop culture critic and historian, knew and worked closely with Stan Lee for over forty years. Fingeroth is able to put Lee’s life and work in a context that makes events and actions come to life as no other writer could.

My Thoughts: I am an adopted Marvel fan, as my fiance is a HUGE lover of the comics and movies. I’ve accepted them as a part of my life and he was thrilled when I received this book. As someone who didn’t know a lot about Stan Lee, I found a great appreciation for the man through this book. It’s written by a friend of Lee’s who were a part of each others’ lives for 40 years. It’s a little dry at points, but I think all Marvel fans will appreciate it!

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