Winter Street Week 2019: Winter Stroll Review

If you’ve read the series, you know the second installment is kindaaaa where it all falls apart. I am always verbally angry at the characters and have to power through. If you’re feeling that way, I encourage you to continue with the series because it is all worth it. I PROMISE.

Winter Stroll is the second installment of the Winter Street series, which I wrote about here. Instead of taking place over the three days surrounding Christmas, it begins on the Friday evening of Nantucket Stroll. I grew up in small New England town, so I’ve had experience with Christmas Strolls. It’s a weekend when vendors elevate the shopping experience, usually serving hors’doeuvres and wine while people browse their store. There are carolers, the best decorations, deals, and usually some raffles. I’ve always wanted to go to Nantucket’s Stroll. It’s on my bucket list! 

Here’s the thing: I LOVE Winter Street. I think it’s my favorite in the series, because everything is just so warm and cozy and I have certain loyalty to the characters in that one. It’s hard to watch some of the things fall apart in Stroll that Street set up so perfectly. 

However, this is still a delicious holiday read. We get to see where Ava has landed in her relationship, meet Kevin and Isabelle’s baby, and get to know Mitzi and Jennifer better. I think that may be the best part of this book. Mitzi and Jennifer were merely described in the last book, so our opinion of them is formed by others. It’s always nice to get to spend time with other characters. 

A huge part of this book is dealing with the disappearance of Bart, the youngest Quinn, who is being held as a Prisoner of War by a vicious group of radicals in Afghanistan. We see how each member of the family is dealing with this “loss” under the stress of the holiday. 

I think my biggest issue with this book is that Scott always really lets me down. I love how he and Ava fall in love in the first book, so when he does what he does in this book (caring for another teacher and neglecting Ava on the weekend of her niece’s baptism where she’s the godmother) it just really disappoints me. I always want to see Ava get engaged and married! But, I suppose there’s a greater purpose: Ava needs the right guy, not just the right situation. 

I think we also get to see Kelley’s kindness and learn why he fell in love with Mitzi in the first place. There’s nothing like fearing for your child’s life, and his reconciliation with Mitzi always warms my heart.

Have I enticed you yet? I can’t recommend this series enough!