2019 Reading Priorities

It is crunch time for a few books on my shelf as 2019 draws to a close. How crazy is that? This definitely has been the first time I’ve blinked and a year has gone by. I remember back in January I was wishing it away because I just wanted to get to our wedding, now I’m like PUMP THE BRAKES! There are a number of books I want to read before we end the decade. I can’t believe were entering a new decade at all! 

A Woman is No Man 

Bringing Down the Duke 

Ninth House

Get a Life Chloe Brown

Meg & Jo

What Happens in Paradise 

When the Stars Lead to You 

Wild Game 

I think that’s a good number to prioritize, since this time of year I am really susceptible to mood reads. All I want is to read my holiday favorites and reread others. I’ve been thinking about my 2020 reading goals and a lot of them have been to focus less on new releases and more on what I WANT to read. It makes it tough to balance with the blog because so much of my business focuses on new releases. 

I’ve got some ideas percolating on how I can make it work and I’m excited about it! I feel so much more creative lately and my well is full of ideas. Have you started thinking about your 2020 goals yet? I have a number of them but I’m going to focus on 5, to keep it manageable.