September Wrap Up

Wow, if I thought the summer went by fast, September positively blinked past. I read some large, dense book this month and some really fun light ones. I’m looking forward to a cozy October and feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, because I’ve been feeling pretty bogged down recently. September felt like an extension of summer in a way, because it was still pretty hot and I was just as busy. October definitely slows down for us and it’s time to get a lot of wedding stuff done! 

As for what I read this month: 

The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen—I started this one on our vacation Labor Day Weekend and I can’t believe that was this same month! This one was cute and light. I loved the storm sequence at the end! 

Well Met by Jen Deluca—A wonderful, delightful, surprising little book. It was a great palette cleanser and was an “un-put-downable”. 

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert—Glad I read it, but definitely overwritten. The hype didn’t really catch up for me, but it is worth the read if you’re interested. 

From the Corner of the Oval by Beck Dorey-Stein—This is my current go to recommendation for anyone who asks! I loved this book and still think I might buy myself a copy for my shelves because I loved it that much. 

Is There Still Sex in the City? By Candace Bushnell—Skip it. Not worth it in my opinion. 

Beyond the Point by Clare Gibson—This book is beautiful and another one I couldn’t put down. Fair warning, there is a distinct religious undertone to the book, BUT it isn’t overwhelming it and it felt character driven rather than an agenda pushed by the author. It didn’t bother me at all. 

Sissy by Tacob Tobia— This is an amazing audiobook! I truly loved it and learned a lot. Tobia explains gender so succinctly and passingly. It’s definitely a must-read and he’s really funny. 

This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger—This book is beautiful but I read it at a time when I definitely wasn’t in the mood for it. But don’t let that stop you! It’s truly a modern classic, but it’s a dense one. If it hadn’t been a library book, I would have put it down and tried again! 

Things We Didn't Talk About When I Was a Girl—This book is out 10/1 and I think is one to be talked about. I am honestly speechless at the bravery displayed by the author to write this book. On the cusp of Chanel Miller's memoir being released, I can only think about what this book would have done for her. What I found to be most enlightening, was that this is an example of rape by someone the author trusted. Brock Turner was essentially a stranger in the dark, an obvious rapist. Vanasco writes of the betrayal of a friend she trusted, who took advantage of her drunk and vulnerable state to assault her. It is written in a steam of consciousness, as she figures out how to process the rape 14 years later. I was fascinated with this book, Bravo to the author for her bravery. Thank you Tin House Books for the advanced copy. 

10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston—Oh, this one was so cute! It’s a light YA that takes place at Christmas. It’s a fun plot that slightly predictable, but if I’d been 13-16, I’d have eaten it UP. And I did at 26 too! It releases 10/1 on audio and kindle and the Paperback releases 11/14/19, a big thank you to Disney-Hyperion for the advanced copy! 

Over the Top by Jonathan Van Ness—I listened to this on audiobook and I think it’s the best way to consume it! Jonathan’s story is so vulnerable, but he is smart, quick witted, and funny. It’s a perfectly balanced memoir that doesn’t hide it’s point in humor, but rather balances the severity of the story with wit and humor. I thoroughly enjoyed it!