Happy Birthday, Read&Wright!

I can’t believe it has officially been one whole trip around the sun since I started my little corner of the internet. Since I began this project, I have grown and changed so much. This space saw me through some of the happiest and hardest times of my life in the past 365 days and will continue to be with me through the most exciting year of my life—our wedding year! 

I started this blog out of a passion for the medium and a need to express myself outside of my job. Being an actor is something I chose, but it is very easy to feel the burn out. I have always loved to read. Eventually, the encouraging voices of my friends telling me to put my love of reading into something tangible and lucrative won out. And here we are with…readandwright.com

I am NOT a tech wizard and this is a huge part of why I avoided blogging for a long time. But I am ready to take this space further and a more professional site that is easier to navigate is the ticket. 

Hearing from you that you’ve picked up a book I recommended is the greatest joy and reward. I have always loved sharing my recommendations, but now I feel like I’m actually heard. I am no longer embarrassed about what people in my “real life” think because the support I have gotten far outweighs the judgement of people who don’t actually care about me. 

I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for believing in me, reading my words, and feeling like we connect. Head over to my Instagram for an exciting thank you gift! 

I can’t wait to see what year two brings Read & Wright in our new home!