The Weekly Wrap Up 9/20/24

I know I promised to be more consistent with these posts, but I sometimes I feel like nobody actually cares about them or gets anything out of them. So I didn’t post last week but I need to be better about balancing my schedule each week so here we are, back with the Weekly Wrap Up.

I did have an incredible experience this week where I got to meet one of my very favorite authors, Carley Fotune! I have been missing my life in NYC a lot lately, especially having access to so many bookish events. Authors don’t tend make Buffalo a stop on their book tours. But, I am not far from Toronto, which is exciting! Carley’s best friend lives in St. Catherine’s and is the Executive Director of the Kristen French Children’s Advocacy Center and the event was a Book Besties themed night to benefit the center.

I am in the middle of a reading slump so I feel like I have nothing revolutionary to share here, but my audiobook experience was great this week. I LOVED Kelly Bishop’s memoir. She reads the audiobook so I highly recommend it! I listened via aka my favorite audiobook service.

What I Read:

The Third Gilmore Girl // Wild Eyes //

Weekend Reading Plans:

The Co-Op // Rider’s Block // The Bitter End

Purchases of the Week:

Nothing, which is very exciting for my clutter-adverse mind right now. It feels good not to bring anything into our home right now! Though I would love some new Fall pillows for our living room…

Added to My Wishlist:

Corduroy Skirt // Cable-Knit Sweater Vest // Ribbon Ellie Nap Dress // READ Applique Tee // Pumpkin Pajamas // White Hokas //

Listening & Watching:

Football // Gilmore Girls // Grey’s Anatomy // Autumn Ambiance Playlist

Weekend Plans:

Since the school year is back in session, Saturday mornings are spent at the theater! But after work, we are headed on a little weekend in the Catskills and I am really looking forward to a weekend away to enjoy some R&R and Fall foliage. I want to go apple picking, have a cider donut, and hopefully read the perfect book to break my reading slump.